Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seperti Apa Kepribadian Sobat ?

Berbicara soal kepribadian tak lepas dari diri sendiri yang berkepribadian kurang baik. Saya selalu mencoba memperbaiki diri dan berusaha terus untuk bertaubat pada Allah Tuhan YMK.

Disini, saya akan mecoba untuk memberi tahu seperti apa kepribadian sobat. Yang perlu sobat lakukan cuma duduk di depan komputer/laptop yang anda miliki sambil nyeduh teh atau kopi yang sedap. Lalu hubungkan komputer sobat dengan internet, kalo udah sekarang sobat sudah siap untuk tahu seperti apa kepribadian sobat.

Selanjutnya sobat hanya perlu mengidentifikasi diri sobat untuk meneruskan ke langkah selanjutnya. PERSIAPKAN DIRI SOBAT! hehehehe :)

Satu, silakan kunjungi lalu ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya dengan klik Mulai Tes Sekarang.  Tesnya mudah kok cuma tinggal klik, klik, dan klik aja ngga perlu waktu lama dan hasilnya cukup akurat. Jika sudah, sobat bakal dihadapkan paket-paket pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan diri sobat, lalu klik 'lanjutkan ke langkah 2' begitu seterusnya.


Nah, seperti apa sih kepribadian sobat itu ?? mmm..........pasti bagus banget kan..
Silakan tinggalkan komentar jika bermanfaat. Terima kasih :)

Kenaikan BBM 2012 untuk Pendidikan Gratis

Selamat siang sobat-sobatku yang sedang berbahagia. Semoga rahmat dan hidayahnya selalu tercurah kepada kita semua. Sudah beberapa kali BBM di Indonesia seperti gelombang laut, naik....turun.... Akan tetapi memang itu faktanya. Kenaikan BBM kini menuai banyak cercaan, demo disana sini, masyarakat kurang mampu berteriak-teriak jangan turunkan harga BBM.

Inilah dunia Indonesia, kenaikan BBM mungkin sudah menjadi kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengurangi anggaran pemerintah agar tidak menggelembung menanggung subsidi BBM. Mungkin itu yang menjadi pertimbangan dan alasan kenaikan BBM 2012 ini. Harga minyak dunia yang naik juga turut urus dalam hal kenaikan. Menurut saya, kebijakan ini sangatlah benar dengan didukung oleh keadaan ekonomi Indonesia yang kurang baik. Akan tetapi pemerintah sebaiknya juga memberi kebijakan yang lain, bukan hanya kenaikan bbm dong agar rakyat kecil tidak dirugikan.

Kebijakan itu mungkin bisa seperti gratisnya biaya pendidikan untuk SD dan SMP negeri. Untuk sekolah yang mungkin bertaraf atau rintisan internasional tidak digratiskan tidak masalah, hal ini agar anak-anak dari rakyat kecil bisa sekolah! Udah BBM naik, sembako juga akan naik, sekolah mahal, APA KATA DUNIA?? Cuma gara-gara kenaikan bbm, negara jadi ribut. Haduh........:(

Sekolah gratis akan sangat bermanfaat untuk mengurangi jumlah anak jalanan di Indonesia, selain itu hal itu berdampak positif bagi anak-anak itu sendiri. Bisa sekolah berarti BISA PINTAR! Bisa memajukan Indonesia juga. Ayo..... pemerintah Indonesia jangan biarkan anak-anak terlantar di negara ini semakin bertambah dengan adanya kenaikan bbm....

Semoga bermanfaat sobat! Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar sobat untuk kemajuan negara ini, salam sukses :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bahaya Mie Instan Usus Seseorang Harus Dipotong

WOW!! Mungkin ngeri ya kalo kita baca judul itu. Gila aja, cuma gara-gara makan mie instan doang, ada anak yang harus dipotong ususnya karena kebanyakan mie instan. Anak itu bernama Hilal, seperti yang ada pada tabliod Nova. Malang sekali nasib anak itu. Masih kecil udah harus menderita cacat.

Wahai orang tua, rawatlah anakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya, jangan sia-siakan anakmu apalagi menyakitinya. Lindungi kesehatannya!

Sekarang ini orang makan mie instan sudah biasa. Bisa sehari tiga kali atau malah setiap makan selalu mie instan. Kasian sekali! Postingan ini bukan bermaksud mengajak sobat untuk tidak membeli mie instan, bukan juga menjelek-jelekkan produk mie instan yang beredar di Indonesia. Tapi postingan ini bertujuan untuk berbagi ilmu dan diharapkan bisa menjadi kiat untuk menjaga kesehatan.

Bahaya mie instan, sebenernya apa sih bahayanya? Kan udah tahu tadi di atas, bisa bikin usus kita terpotong! hehehehe :p Tentu mie instan berbahaya bagi tubuh kita. Kandungan zat kimianya, terakumulasi dalam tubuh kita, menjadi suatu sumber penyakit. Bahaya mie instan lainnya adalah bisa menyebabkan kanker. Kalau tidak percaya silakan buktikan sendiri oleh sobat dengan makan mie instan sebanyak-banyaknya. Nanti pasti ketahuan bahaya mie instan itu apa hehehehe BERCANDA sobat :)

Kita sudah tahu bahwa mie instan itu berbahaya, saya ada sedikit tips untuk sobat dalam memasak mie agar dapat mengurangi risiko memakannya :

1. Jangan konsumsi air rebusan mie.
2. Pakai bumbu hanya setengah dari yang disediakan
3. Jika yang anda konsumsi adalah mie rebus, gunakan air hangat lebih banyak yang bukan bekas rebusan mie agar bumbu terasa hambar.
4. Konsumsi mie miminal 3 hari sekali, jangan 3 kali sehari.
5. Tambahkan sayur saat disajikan
Terasa tidak enak memang makan mie instan dengan cara itu, tapi itu mungkin yang bisa mengurangi risiko bahaya mie instan.

Tinggalkan komentar anda, agar kita bisa saling berbagi ilmu. Terima kasih :)

Akibat Makan Daging Babi

Selamat siang sobat-sobatku, kali ini saya akan berbagi video yang mungkin akan membuat anda berhenti makan daging babi. Bagaimana tidak, daging babi yang masuk ke perut kita, di dalamnya terdapat belatung. Lihatlah video ini :

Dari video itu kita tahu bahwa setelah beberapa saat setelah daging babi disiram dengan coca cola, apa yang terjadi sobat? KELUAR BELATUNG dari daging babi itu. Astaghfirullah. Memang benar hukum Islam melarang umatnya memakan daging ini. Dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang neko-neko dan yang pasti haram. Sobat sudah melihatkan, akibat makan daging babi itu apa ? Pasti sobat udah tahu sendiri jawabannya. Saran saya sih sebaiknya sobat berhenti makan daging babi jika memang sobat adalah konsumen itu jika tidak saya saluuuutttt pada sobat yang bukan konsumen.

Semoga ini dapat bermanfaat untuk sobat sekalian. Silakan berkomentar dan mari kita saling berbagi ilmu. Terima kasih :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cara Mudah Mencari Dollar di Internet

Cara Mudah Mencari Dollar di Internet

Siang sobat, siang ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit pengalaman saya dalam mengais dollar dari internet. Tentu sudah banyak sekali mastah dollar yang ada di internet, barangkali sobat adalah orangnya! Sedang saya sendiri masih nyubi :( tapi ngga ada salahnya kan kalo berbagi pengalaman tuu..

Cara mudah mencari dollar di internet, kalo sobat bertanya tentang hal itu saya akan menjawab memang mudah! Karena banyak sekali situs website yang bisa menghasilkan dollar meskipun sobat ngga punya blog (kalo mau bikin blog silakan berkunjung kesini). Trus gimana caranya? Gampang sobat!

Sobat berkunjung aja kesini !

Link itu akan membawa sobat ke sebuah situs penghasil dollar tanpa harus sobat memiliki blog. WOW gampang ya! Situs itu adalah, saya sendiri sekarang kerja part time dengan ipaneonline itu, lumayanlah sehari bisa dapet 50-100 point yang bisa sobat tuker dengan dollar. Setelah sobat membuka link tadi, sobat tinggal daftar aja, isi semua form yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa siapkan email paypal sobat karena membayr via paypal.

Setelah sobat terdaftar di (paid per survey), mulai saja sobat melakukan survey yang ada di ipanelonline tersebut. Sobat akan mendapat point yang bisa ditukar dengan dollar setelah selesai melakukan survey.

Klik disini untuk mendaftar secara gratis >> KLIK AKU

Well, cara mudah mencari dollar di internet itu ternyata mudah sekali ya! Cukup dengan mengisi survey aja kita bisa dapet dollar. Selamat mencoba Semoga SUKSES!

Awali Kegiatan Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah

Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah, bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim.

Hanya kata itu yang mungkin dapat saya katakan saat ini, karena apa? Karena disaat kita hendak mengawali suatu kegiatan, apapun itu, sebaiknya kita berdoa dan mengucapkan asma Allah azza wa jalla dengan baik agar selalu mendapat kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam menjalani suatu kegiatan.

Sperti yang saya lakukan saat ini, blogging. Blogging sekarang sudah menjadi suatu hobi saya, selain basket. Jika komputer nyala dan saya sedang mengoperasikan komputer itu pasti saya sedang blogging. InsyaAllah saya selalu membaca basmallah sebelum saya beraktivitas. Dikarenakan saya bukan ustad, silakan googling sendiri keutamaan basmallah atau tanyakan pada ustad terdekat sobat.

Untuk itu, saya sarankan untuk yang beragama Islam agar selalu ingat dan menyebut nama Allah disetiap kegiatan. Jika sobat muslim lakukanlah hal itu, insyaAllah kemudahan akan selalu mendekati sobat. Jika sobat non-muslim, maka berdoalah sesuai keyakinan anda.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Conduct a la Cristiano Ronaldo Free Kick

How to Conduct a la Cristiano Ronaldo Free Kick - Christiano Ronaldo. This is one of the best football players I like because of his skill in playing the ball. The ball if it was at his feet, looks like not controlled by foot but by the mind.

Christiano Ronaldo, who began to shine his name under the auspices of the Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has many advantages compared to other players, one of which is in executing the free kick.
Nah. I have some tips and tricks for you football fans who wish to have Christiano Ronaldo free kick like this:

The first focus on the views and find a gap where will you go. With a focus on which direction would you go to, it can make your mind more focused when kicking the ball. By the time you find a gap or a goal, do not let your eyes be read by your opponent so you siasatilah perspective.

Third, put your foot behind the ball, taking 5 to 6 steps and open legs. Do not be so wide open legs as it will change your balance.
This step is done so that we can predict the distance of the foot with the ball and ran at the foot force will also affect the strength of the leg to kick the ball, direction and rotation of the ball.

The next step is ran by taking 3 to 4 large steps, then kick the ball with any part of the shoe as shown above. This section is used to having a ball being kicked in the right direction or certainty because if you use the front, then the resulting ball is directed, can turn to right or left.

Position the feet and the ball like the picture above. The next kick the ball as shown above. This section is used to lift the ball can not be too high and not too low. Use the force corresponding to the distance of the goal. Note also the direction of the wind, because wind can also change the direction of flight of the ball.
Please try, remember the more often you exercise, the more control of this kick.
Besides having a good free kick, Cristiano Ronaldo also has a qualified skills, see Christiano Ronaldo skills through this video.

How To Ping Google Blog Manually

Ping according to the meaning of the word means the Whistle. Moments like if you do the whistling? Suppose you want to draw attention to your pet birds chirping, you will whistle. That's one example.

Well, in this case means almost the same as described above.
Ping to Google
Machines that mean calling Google Google crawler to visit our blog and our latest articles index.
So what is the function of Ping itself?

Well, if you had just launched an article (publish), would not be directly detected by Google, this is because Google takes time to crawl any existing website. There are articles indexed slow, some are quickly indexed (in this case, we consider articles have not we give the backlink).

Well, if you want our latest articles indexed by google, then we must make the name Ping. Actually, not pinged nor anything because Google certainly would mengindexnya. But back to the reasons, the engine Google also takes time to do so.

Ping Google blog articles to do it yourself manually, or automatically through the service also site.
auto ping

Now we only discuss the ways that just because I think the manual to an automated blogger friend has implemented all.

How To Ping Google blog article to manually:

A. First go to this address,
2. Enter the url would you Ping your blog to Google in the field provided. For example
3. Submit Press Blog
If you have any notification, it means you've managed to Ping Blog to Google.

Okay, so first explanation. Create the master in this area, please ralatnya passing comment when things are not right because I was just learning and not yet well aware of this problem. hehe

And for all, if you feel I have rarely been to his house, I apologize profusely. (slow network mode: on).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How do I get the old facebook ?

How do I get the old facebook ?


Hello bloggers, this time I 'll try to share about " How do I get the old facebook ? " Satrio think this post not need much introduction, so just go ahead. Not long from now, Facebook introduced a new look. That is, facebook facebook timeline or chronology. Facebook timeline is a new facebook profile view is tailored to our chronology as a facebook user.

For those of you who do not use this new type of profile you can enable it via this link . But if we want to restore to the original view, how do I get the old facebook ?

Before you use facebook profile timeline (chronology facebook) you are given the opportunity for 7 days before you actually publish it, and seen by people. This seven-day time give you the opportunity to change the look of the chronology as desired before others see.

Include several photos and chronology of the popular news. Hide or highlight whatever you want, and add the missing. Then How do I get the old facebook ?

How do I get the old facebook ?
Apparently, if you have been using facebook timeline can not seem to have changed back to your old profile view. Therefore, learn first before you use facebook timeline.

If you have used it and want to organize what will be shown, anyone can see, immediately wrote to
this link

If you want to learn more about the new facebook profile chronology can through this link

How do I get the old facebook ? I also refer you to the page like facebook tips, to get tips about the latest in
facebook click this

So if you already use facebook timeline, you can not change the conclusion to the old facebook. How do I get the old facebook ?

Original site

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to Get Root Access Android

How to Get Root Access Android

How to Get Root Access Android, i really like my personal Google android, it's a fantastic bit of technologies. Obviously a person understood We would need to get underlying entry, and today I'll let you know exactly how. Keep in mind, I'm not really accountable should you mess upward your own google android. Should you large rock your own telephone deliver me personally a note as well as We might be able to assist you to repair your own telephone. Keep in mind, DO THIS IS YOUR PERSONAL RISK!

Before How to Get Root Access Android, you will require these:
Root Image of Android - DOWNLOAD
SDK of Android - DOWNLOAD
SU File of Android - DOWNLOAD
USB Driver of Android - DOWNLOAD

How to Get Root Access Android, okay, therefore after you have every thing downloaded, the actual fun starts.
1. Set up the actual Google android SDK on your pc. Set up the actual document straight to your own D: generate. This really is fairly pain-free and really should obtain all you need to achieve underlying use of the telephone by way of your own order quick.

2. Connect your own Google android in to your pc by way of the actual HARDWARE cable television which included the actual google android.

3. Whenever you blocked inside your google android, your own telephone motivated you to definitely attach the actual Facts. Go on and click on Attach.

4. Correct click My personal Pc, as well as click on qualities. Within the eye-port which sprang upward click on gadget supervisor.

5. Within the gadget supervisor you need to observe your own google android (motorola A855) by having an exclamation stage alongside this. Correct click this as well as click on revise car owner. Whenever motivated for that car owner stage this in order to exactly where a person down loaded the actual google android car owner.

6. Following, visit exactly where a person down loaded the actual google android underlying picture as well as alter the actual title through android-root. squat in order to revise. squat. Following duplicate the actual revise. squat document for your Facts. To get this done, click on My personal Pc as well as within the eye-port which appears you need to begin to see the google android detailed presently there. The actual document which starts whenever you click the google android is the Facts.

7. Change your own telephone away. When the Google android offers driven lower, maintain lower the actual “X” crucial about the keypad whilst pushing as well as keeping the ability upon switch. Once the gadget footwear you'll be within what's known as “recovery mode”. You will notice the image by having an exclamation stage onto it.

8. Push the amount upward, and also the digital camera switch. Once you do that you will notice a listing show up, while using D-pad about the slip away computer keyboard, choose Revise. squat. This can add the brand new google android picture along with underlying entry.

9. Once the gadget reboots you will be aware you had been prosperous through searching inside your software menus (Base slider). Should you try looking in presently there and find out just a little “anandroid ninja” which states superuser permissions, you've effectively acquired underlying use of your own google android.

10. Open your own order quick on your pc through clicking on Begin > Operate > Kind “CMD” to the operate order and also the order quick ought to open. Following Key in “cd anandroid-sdk-windows/tools” you need to begin to see the document alter. Following key in “adb shell” and you'll begin to see the quick alter to some “$”.

How to Get Root Access Android, Congrats at this point you possess underlying use of your own google android, have some fun as well as pleased hacking!

Original site :

Monday, February 6, 2012

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4, you need to prepare :
4 iPhone or iPod Touch 4G that runs on IOS 5. You can download the redsn0w jailbreak IOS 5.
i-funbox or iTools, and other system tools.
iFile >> Download
Download file Siri. >> Download 

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4, how to install Siri on your device :1. Extract the file siri.rar2. Copy the folder that was extracted AssistantServices.framework with the other i-funbox tool to the folder /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/3. Copy all files to a folder on SpringBoard_Assistant_pics/system/library/coreservice/ directory [NOTE: Do not copy the folder].4. Modification "N90AP.plist" (iPhone 4) "N81AP.plist" (iPod touch Touch4) in /system/library/coreservice/ the file. Then add <key>assistant</ key><true/> at after <key>720p</ key> <true/>, then save and exit.5: Reboot your iPhone, and press the Home button when the screen is locked, you'll see Siri UI.

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4
*Please note step 4, you should use iFile editing. Do not use itools and ifunbox to Modify, respring will appear on DFU mode loop.*If the device is still respring loop, you can remove <key> assistant </ key> Restore N90AP.list <true/> in the initial state, then reboot.*If the above steps can be, but still can not successfully call the Siri, and only appears sound control or DFU *Loop, then the meaning is to fail. Try to use another folder AssistantServices.framework replace one, which may vary with the plant. AssistantServices.framework.rar >> Download
To restore the voice control, you need to delete an assistant in the N90AP.list.

How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4, Updating :
Fix respring loop
Note that after you copy the folder AssistantServices.framework to the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/
Please set the folder permissions to 755 AssistantServices.frameworkThen modify N90AP.plist (iPhone 4); N81AP.plist (iTouch4) in / system / library / coreservice / with iFile.
Find <key>720p</ key><true/>, add <key>1080p</ key><true/>, after <key>assistant</ key><true/>, then save and exit.
May be useful for readers.
How to Install Siri Interface on the iPhone 4

We are not responsible for any losses resulting from this tutorial.

Original site :

How to Use an iPod in The Water

How to Use an iPod in the water

How to Use an iPod in the water

LAS VEGAS - How to Use an iPod in the water. The product of the iPod that may not be able to buy at a cheap price or you have to spend more in another. In a demonstration, an iPod is operated in the water. Do not use protection at all, used for many hours. iPod is using the system waterblock.

How to Use an iPod in the water. Waterblock is a coating used on parts of the electronic device so as to make them against water damage. It is not like humans who sweat going, but like taro leaves that can not be wetted. How do I use the iPod in the water? Certainly very interesting to see but if we see it right away, really impressive!

How to Use an iPod in the water. System need to be taken away before the installation of this waterblock covering. Subsequently placed in a vacuum appropriate slot. Are often more high priced to manage your specific devices. And so people are not able to manage to get their unique material WaterBlocked.

How to Use an iPod in the water. Although if at all given to automated ingredients from the creation practice prior to a cellular phone seemed to be set up, cost "less in comparison with the money necessary for a couple low cost earbuds, inch claimed Rob Peterson, home connected with advertising and marketing intended for HzO.

How to Use an iPod in the water. The goods is currently being tried, Mr. Peterson claimed. This product did wonders productively for a interesting depth of merely one meter, even so the corporation has not yet located some sort of control to help the time it can certainly keep on being submerged.

How to Use an iPod in the water. Is usually that enjoyable technological know-how will appear with your technology soon is usually your think.

Original site :

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Upgrade OS Blackberry

How to Upgrade OS Blackberry

For blogger who using smartphone like blackberry and has un-update OS, this post will help you to upgrade your OS Blackberry. How to upgrade OS Blackberry is not difficult. We'll do that easily. Just prepare your smart phone and internet connection we, we will upgrade OS Blackberry. NOTE : if fatal error happened, please prepare Blackberry wipe to re-install your OS.

Here is the way, How to Upgrade OS Blackberry :

1. Install Desktop Manager (DM) in the PC / laptop. DM can be obtained from the cd in the box when buying BB. Can also download here.
2. Install the OS files that will be used to upgrade. OS files can be obtained from the official site, click here to download from the official site. Choose the appropriate carrier (operator). Can also be obtained from the local link.
3. Close DM in the open position. Turn off (off) screensaver on your PC / laptop.
4. If you download the OS files are not suitable carriers, then the windows explorer to do the search (including system and hidden files) files with the name 'vendor.xml' after meet erase the file (using WindowsVista, can be found at: C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Research In Motion \ AppLoader). If the file according to the carrier, leave it alone.
5. Plug BB into the PC / laptop via the USB data cable. Open DM. If there is a request to upgrade the os canceled first.
6. BB manual backup using DM.
7. Backup is complete, go into application loader. If there is demand for blackberry enter the password, enter pasword (if there is no pasword, just click ok)
8. Select add / remove application. If normal will emerges all the program files will be installed. Please choose language and program / ​​OS default application who want to install anything on the Blackberry. Follow the instructions in the DM, and wait until the process is complete.
9. Upgrade is complete, unplug the data cable, restart again his BB, close DM, and uninstall the OS files from your PC / laptop (optional).
10. If the upgrade fails or there is a fatal error, get ready for BB wipe and re-install the OS again.

Well.. That is my friend, Satrio hope this tutorial useful for you.  'How to Upgrade OS Blackberry' SALAM SUCCESS :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How to Add Account to Android

How to Add Account to Android

Hi blogger! Good evening, at this time Satrio will share about how to add account to android. May be, you have a lot of email. Office email, blog email, etc. Well, if you have android phone and you will sinc your email, here is the way how to add account to android :

1. At your home screen, find setting and click it.
2. After that find accounts and sinc, click it.

3. Then, click 'add account'.
4. Fill the blank with your email and password.

5. After that click sign in.
6. Now your email have been added.
7. Enjoy !

Okay blogger, may be just it that Satrio can share. Satrio's hope this article 'how to add account to android' useful for you. SALAM SUCCESS! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

How to Make Pizza at Home

How to Make Pizza at Home

Hello bloggers! Satrio met, on this occasion Satrio will share about how to make pizza at home.

One of the most popular foods in the world is pizza. Round flat bread, baked and garnished with vegetables and tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. In this article we will learn how to make pizza at home.

Here's how to make pizza at home, easy and not difficult, finished in 1 hour.

To finish how to make pizza at home, first gather these materials:

* 3 cups hot water
* 1 tablespoon baking
* Sugar 1 / 4 cup
* 1 tablespoon salt
* 80-10 cups of flour
* 2 tablespoons cornstarch
* 3 8 oz cans tomato / Pizza Sauce
(I recommend the Chicago Food PASTORELLI pizza sauce!)
* 6 cups finely shredded mozzarella cheese
* Other deposits may be

Preheat oven to 475 degrees.

Combine to provide water, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl and let sit for about 10 minutes.

Slowly mix the flour until the dough does not look wet and might be wrinkled. Knead the remaining dough until smooth, then cover with a clean towel and let stand for about 30 minutes.

Divide the dough into pieces - you should be able to get to 3-5, depending on the size of pizza pan your using.

Open the dough, squeeze and Stretch, if necessary, to fit the pan.

Sprinkle cornmeal into the pan and set for each test, rent it.

Distribution of tomato sauce / pizza dough, leaving about half an inch longs naked outer crust.

Distribution of free cheese sauce and toppings as desired additional.

Bake for 12-15 minutes they are lightly golden, or until cheese bubbles and mass.

After removing from oven, let stand for a few minute to cool slightly before cutting. No need to call people to dinner, the smell for you!

Maybe this can only Satrio share, I hope this article 'how to make pizza at home' useful for you. SALAM SUCCESS:)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Backup Bookmarks File in Mozilla Firefox

Your mozilla in trouble? Confused my friends want to reinstall the software but was afraid to file a bookmark lost? Now no need to worry anymore for that matter. Because in this chance Satrio will share to you about How to backup the files Bookmarks In Mozilla Firefox.

Well, maybe my friends are googling about
How to Backup Bookmarks File in Mozilla Firefox. Surely there is loads of ropes. Before Satrio try to share the science we know what it's worth bookmarking it.

Bookmark is a great way to save or bookmark a site address that we consider important so that any time we need, can visit the site without typing or searching the site address again will we go, simply by clicking an existing bookmark file.

Then how to backup bookmarks file in mozilla firefox?

Ways to save or backup your bookmarks in mozilla firefox you can follow the steps below :

* One-click menu "Firefox" in the browser on the left side of the orange

* Select the Bookmark

* Select the menu "Import And Backup"

* Then Select 'Backup' or 'Export HTML' Then save the file according to your wishes can document etc.

If at any time Mozilla Firefox is in trouble and had to reinstall because of a bookmark that there also be deleted, you simply restore / restore bookmarks file in a way IMPORT or RESTORE.

Easy enough right?
Satrio's hope this tutorial is useful. How to backup the files bookmarks in mozilla firefox.

Quote from

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Monday, January 23, 2012

How to Create AutoText on Android

How to Create AutoText on Android

Because this year more and more android users, Satrio want to share a little tutorial about cell phones / mobile android tutorial at this time then I will of share tips on How to Create AutoText on Android phone, the which means making arguably very easy.

Please follow the Airways below for how to create autotext on android :
1. Download first the ingredients:- Smart Keyboard Pro (3.13.0) can be downloaded on the blackmarket.- (latest file and more autotext in it.)(Password: ewabloggerock) 

2. Install the Smart Keyboard Pro the which you have downloaded on your android phone.
3. Save the file That you have downloaded in a folder in the sdcard smartkeyboardpro. 
4. Log Settings menu and then select the language and keyboard. 
5. Click the checkbox in the Smart keyboard pro. 
6. Then click the settings pro smart keyboard underneath. 
7. After that, click Backup Settings ->> Restore from sdcard ->> Ok. 
8. Still in the menu, click Text prediction setting. 
- Auto-capitalization: on
- Quick fix: off (order not automatically be replaced so typing)
- Show suggestion: on- Autocomplete: off (so as not to Disrupt the (automatic Replacing the word) are so spaced)
- Swap punctuation: off- Space after picking: off 
- Contact Dictionary: on / off (optional, if you want to take the suggestion of a contact name in the phone)- Always suggest: on (to Appear suggestion what was typing something).
How to Create AutoText on Android. Adding AutoText for the easy way:- Still in the menu settings (Text prediction) are looking very bottom click the Custom AutoText
- Then click the add autotext 
- Column 1 word That gave rise to autotextnya example Will Appear later haha ​​° ° ° =)) H h ª ª ª ª ª ª ª h ª h ° ° ° 
- Column 2 the BB autotext
9. Open the file you downloaded Earlier: BB AutoText (there are many once-autotext autotext the which you can add).10. After all the backup is complete go to menu, settings again to the make a backup of this. In order settingannya not lost. The last backup Will be replaced with a new backup.

The way to change the samsung keyboard with smart keyboard pro, you just press (example SS) Appear the words would later enter the method and then select Smart keyboard pro.
Maybe just a little tutorial 'How to Create AutoText on Android' That Could Provide Satrio. Easy, is not it? Good luck! :)
Quote from (hilangkan titik sebelum html)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Download YouTube Video to Android

How to Download YouTube Video to Android

How to Download YouTube Video to Android. For bloggers who like to watch videos on YouTube, certainly had no desire to download videos from YouTube to your Android phone, right? However, YouTube is Flash video format (.flv) and requires an additional player to the video can be played in the Android phone.

But wait, for those who want to download YouTube videos to Android with the file format in accordance with the format supported by Android, you can use alternative. The trick is to use a downloader application called "TubeX". In addition to providing download facility, this application also provides a video player, the two functions in one software which can be used interchangeably.

If you only want the audio version of his course (Only sound and no picture), TubeX also offer the option of downloading in MP3 format. The trick was fairly easy, that is by choosing Save as MP3 when using this application.

What to do if you want to use TubeX application are, how to  download YouTube video to android :

1. Download app TubeX in
2. Install the downloaded file to your HP Android.
3. Select the video that you want to download, or can also avail the facility of 'Search' on the application.

4. How to Download YouTube Video to Android. Click on the download icon at the bottom screen. 
5. Wait a few moments until the application is finished analyzing the video, and who display format can be downloaded.

6. How to Download YouTube Video to Android. The download will be displayed in the "Notification Bar". To see the files that have been downloaded, it can open the tab "Download".
7. Furthermore, to play the video you just highlight the video file to appear notification "Player". Or, it could also be opened from the menu HPDI gallery folder "TubeX".

Easy enough right? A little trick is easy How to Download YouTube Video to Android and add video to your Android collection. Good luck!
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